Saturday, March 17, 2012

Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verde

I loved this book! Early on, towards the beginning of the tour, I
thought about how Mr.Fogg was doing this world tour in 80 days, he was
traveling to all of these countries, all of these cities and places,
and yet he did not really care about seeing them. he would stay in his
quarters, only going out to get his passport visa-ed, and/or to go to
the next train or steamer, etc. I love traveling, so the idea of not
really caring or wanting to see those places, was beyond me. it says
"But phileas fogg, who was not travelling, but only describing a
circumference, took no pains to inquire into these subjects; he was a
solid body, traversing an orbit around the terrestrial globe,
according to the laws of rational mechanics". –chapter 11 of Around
the World in 80 Days. I thought it interesting that Mr.Fogg had the
money and the means to do this tour, but did not care about the
sights, but passpartout, his servant, was just the servant, just the
tag along, and he seemed more into the places and seeing them than
Throughout this book, as the story and the world tour continues,
you find yourself, just like passpartout, getting more and more into
the story and feeling almost invested in wanting Mr.Fogg to win his
waiger. I also loved that Mr.Fogg never hesitates to save someone in
his party, never mind the consequences. He never shows a lot of
emotion, good or bad, but you can still see that he is a man of honor
and duty and loyalty I think.
The ending is SO cool!!!! I loved it! I NEVER thought of it, that
since he was going eastward, he would be gaining a day! It's the kind
of thing that once you see it, you go "duh! of course!" so obvious!
Yet you never think of it! the irony is that Mr.Fogg planned and
planned, and seemed to have planned for any kind of delay, he seemed
to think of everything. Yet, he never thought of that! Something that
he could not foresee, plan for, or control, was how time works as you
travel across the world you know?it makes me think about how
sometimes, we try and try to plan for anything and everything, and
this reminds me that you can't, that there is always going to be
things you cannot control that will affect you. For the good, or for
the worse.

favorite quotes:

"I see that it is by no means useless to travel, if a man wishes to
see something new." Passepartout, in chapter 9 of Around the World in
80 Days.

But phileas fogg, who was not travelling, but only describing a
circumference, took no pains to inquire into these subjects; he was a
solid body, traversing an orbit around the terrestrial globe,
according to the laws of rational mechanics. –chapter 11 of Around the
World in 80 Days.

"The chance which now seems lost may present itself at the last
moment." Phileas Fogg, in chapter 13 of Around the World in 80 Days.

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