Friday, July 9, 2010

The Good and Beautiful Life: Introduction

Author: James Bryan Smith

This book is the second in a series. the first is called "the good and beautiful God", and the third is called "the good and beautiful community." I first got introduced to this series through my lifegroup at southern hills church of christ this summer. there are only two lifegroups for the summer, a buy lifegroup and a girl lifegroup,but both groups are reading "the good and beautiful God." I started reading it, and I liked it. It is a good book that tells us all the false narratives that we believe about God, and how these narratives affects how we view God. it also tells us the jesus narrative, how Jesus viewed God, and how that is the true God we need focus on and the way we need to see Him. still, as much as I'm liking the book,its not...anything new to me. I know that sounds vain, but its the truth. I know God is generous, I know God is love, I know God is trustworthy,etc.I gues what I'm saying is that while I'm liking this book and the things he is saying, it's not really where I am in my life right now; what I am focusing on in my life right now. with this in mind, I saw that the second book was called "the Good and Beautiful Life" and that seemed much more in line with where I am in my life right now. I know how beautiful God is and(even though its hard to believe)how much He loves me. I just need to know how to take that, and apply it to my life. How does all this, all that God is showing me, teaching me,all the good quotes, scripture verses,thoughts,etc apply to my life?what do I do with all this? how do I apply God and my faith to my life? I know that doesnt make much sense, but its hard to describe. so I went to and looked up the second book. thanks to amazon's "look inside the book" i was able to see the table of contents, and all the chapters seemed to be in line with how to put God into your life, how to live your life with God, how He wants us to live our lives.I also read the first page of the introduction, and I just fell in love with it. there was this amazing quote by John Wesley, and I need to frame that quote and  put it all over my house because it's so good and it does such a good job of saying  why all this is worth it, and how God wants our lives to be, and how our lives can be. so I bought the book, and I'm very excited. I was a bit worried that since I havent finished the first one that this one wouldnt make any sense, but its not like that at all. even though the books are meant to be read in order, you dont have to. I can see how one leads to the other, but you dont have to read one before reading the other. I am very excited to read this book and the introduction alone helped me to put into words and be able to see what I want.

The quote by John Wesley that I so am in love with is below.
 the content of John Wesley saying this is a man came up to him one day and said: "all is dark;my thoughts are lost.but I hear that you preach to a great number of people every night and morning. pray, what wold you do with them?whither would you lead them?what religion do you preach?what is this good for?

"you ask, what would I do with them?I would make them virtuous and happy,easy in themselves, and useful to others.whither would i lead them?to heaven, to god the judge, the lover of all,and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant.what religion do I preach?the religion of love. the law of kindness brought to light by the gospel. what is this good for?to make all who receive it enjoy God and themselves, to make them like God, lovers of all,contented in their lives, and crying out at their death,in calm assurance, "O grave where is thy victory!thanks be to God, who giveth me victory,through my Lord Jesus Christ." (page 9)

I love this entire quote, especially the highlighted parts. I want to be like that. I want to be the kind of person who enjoys God, who enjoys herself,and I want to be happy and useful to others. this is exactly what i want. in this answer to this man who knows how long ago,he is also putting to words what I want my life to be like, happy, virtous, useful to myself and to others,etc.

the last paragraph of the introduction also was speaking directly to me it seemed like:

"I encourage you to proceed with hope and certainty that you are engaged in something that can make a positive difference in your life. I am confident that God,who has begun a good work in you, will bring it to completion. so move forward with the assurance that you can and will be change, and as you change, those around you will see it and be inspired. may God change your mind,heart and life,and use you to change the world."(page 14)

the highlighted part was the one that spoke to me the most. I want my life to change, and its a new thought that God created me, and He's not just going to abandon me. He's going to keep working with me and in me.

Like I said, I am very excited about this book, and I do think that its going to be a really good starting place to change my life. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent, Millie! I'm glad you were able to find a book that speaks so clearly to your life. I'm reading "Good and Beautiful God" right now with the lifegroups, so it will be interesting to see how "Life" compares to that book. I love the quote you pulled from John Wesley. It sounds so appealing and so welcoming. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
