Saturday, January 7, 2012

Stuff Christians Like by Jonathan Acuff

Stuff Christians Like 
Author: Jonathan Acuff

This will not be a super long post. I read this book on my kindle, I read it less than 2 days, which was awesome! I really liked this book. I thought that this book was very fun and yet surprising accurate. a lot of the things that he talked about, were true. at least from my perspective. the side hug, for example, i get those a lot! and the hand holding during prayer especially. i find that so uncomfortable and awkward, mostly when its a boy. I have yet to go on my first date, literly, so holding hands with a boy, to me, is a couple-y thing to do, so i always am uncomfortable holding hands with a boy during a prayer. he talked about the "hand squeeze" that Christians do at the end, and i totally think that is true! personally, i dont get the point. the prayer is over, drop my hand. no hand squeeze please. 
   yet, as fun as I found this book, I did not really have any deep and profound thoughts from is only my first time reading this book, so maybe the second time i read it will be different. but this first time around, just found it a very fun read.