Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fast Food Nation, part 1

Author: Eric Schlosser
             I am still in the process of reading this book. I bought it on my kindle, and I am a little less than halfway through it. however, I want to write a short post on my thoughts on it so far.  
             To start off with, this book is not what I thought it was going to be. I thought it would about why fast food is bad for you, and why you shouldn't eat it, etc. and I suppose it is about that, but the author talks about the fast food industry as a whole. I liked the chapter where he talks about how the growth of cars is what really started the fast food craze. I suppose it makes sense when you think about it. before cars became affordable for everyone, most people didn't have the means to go out to eat at restaurants every day. once cars came along, people now could go out to eat. hence the growth of restaurants. as they became more and more popular, people started driving cross country, driving everywhere really, and boom! drive- throughs were born, McDonald's, Wendy's...I do like that all the founders for these fast food restaurants were people who took a risk, they thought outside of the box. as the author says, it is ironic because today fast food restaurants are not known for individuality. 
      I must admit the chapter that...weirded me out(so far) was the chapter where he talks about the flavor and taste of fast food. apparently, the taste and the flavor are created by plants! the flavor and the taste are killed by the process of freezing and refreezing that fast food restaurants use, so the flavor and the taste has to be created elsewhere. in a factory. the flavors and the tastes are fake, created in a test tube somewhere. not only are the flavor and the taste created by companies, but these same companies also create the fragance of deoraoranys, cleaners, detergenet, etc. the same companies that create how deororatants smell, use the same building and the same machines and science and process to create how your food smells and tastes. that is just WRONG!!!!
so far reading this has made me think, but I am also finding that you have to do more than just tell people how unhealthy it is. we all know that it's bad for us. but there's almost no other choice when you don't have time or energy to cook every day, or who have a job that only gives you an hour for lunch. people go to fast food places where you get your food quick and it tastes good. to get people to stop going, you have to give them other options to be able to get their food quickly you know? 
so far it's an interesting book and I'm enjoying it.